Dear Fellow Phi Betes:
By the time you receive this letter, you will have taken down the holiday decorations and stored your memories in a special place. Our Asilomar Conference will probably be in progress or just over, so that I will not as yet be able to tell you how wonderful it was. I can only say that Jae Emenhiser and his wife Pat, with program help from Bob and DeeDee Baronian, have achieved a greater number of attendees than I ever did while I was in charge of the event. Right now, we have 124 paid participants, each of whom have paid the $100 registration fee - great news for our scholarship fund.
Besides praising the Emenhisers and the Baronians, I cannot say enough about our hard-working Board members. It is a joy to be part of such a dedicated, responsible group of volunteers. Letitia Sanders continues to do outstanding work with the membership; her valuable analyses have saved us lots of money, while increasing our membership. Mary Gilliland still handles our finances with professional aplomb and has demonstrated her leadership in initiating and implementing very successful changes in our investment accounts. Joanne Sandstrom and Cindy Lerner do excellent work with scholarships and teaching excellence awards. Mary Granger keeps an accurate record of our meetings in her minutes, and our newest Board member, Corresponding Secretary Georgia Maslowski, has already proven her worth. Janiece Nolan has introduced several valuable innovations as Chapter Liaison. Gerry Richards continues to shine in the newsletter department, and Stanley Kahn has been a most enthusiastic and conscientious Program VP.
Sadly, both Gerry and Stanley will relinquish their positions this year. On the positive side, Ray Hendess, our very able webmaster, has volunteered to take over the newsletter, and we will be searching for Stanley's replacement (although we all agree he is really irreplaceable!) at Asilomar, among other venues. Since he has graciously agreed to serve until the end of 2007, we will have some extra time to look for another volunteer. So, if any of you are interested in getting more involved in the Association, this is a wonderful opportunity.
The culmination of the Board's hard work this year will be our Annual Meeting and Awards Dinner on 05/06/07. Mark your calendars now, but really, who could forget a date like that?
Stanley is planning another memorable evening at the Faculty Club, so please read about his preparations on page 3. To hear both the scholarship and teaching excellence recipients tell about their work and how much our awards mean to them is an inspiration to us all, so please plan to join us then.
And speaking about joining, if you haven't sent in your dues since September 1, you are in arrears. Our membership year runs from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, so, for example, if you remitted your check in July 2006, you were paid only for 2006. That being said, if you have not mailed your $30 check to Letitia (see below for her address), please take a few minutes and do it now. Don't worry if you cannot find your November newsletter with the membership envelope. Letitia will not be upset if your check arrives without it. And more importantly, if you do not send in your check, this will be the last newsletter you will receive. I'm sure you will not want to let down our hard-working board, not to mention the potential scholarship and teaching excellence award winners, nor will you wish to miss out on all the wonderful activities that Stanley has worked so hard to put together.
Respectfully submitted,
, President
The 2006-07 Nominating Committee, Maria Norall, Chair
The Nominating Committee nominates the following slate of officers for the 2007-08 Board of Phi Beta Kappa Northern California Association and the following slate for the 2007-08 Nominating Committee. A vote of the Membership will be taken at the annual meeting May 6, 2007.
President 2006-present, Corresponding Sec. 1998-2006, Nominating Comm. 1995-96, 1999-2000, Asilomar Chair 2001-2006, PBK NCA; BA German, DePauw U. 1967; MAT Northwestern U. 1969; Graduate work, Stanford & Chicago; Retired teacher of college prep. English and English as a second language; now an enthusiastic dressage rider and tennis player.
Stanley S. Kahn, MD, FACP
1st Vice President: Programs PBK NCA 2005-present. PBK University of Alabama, December 1938. AWA honors and MD degree, Washington University, St. Louis 1943, Active duty Army Medical Corps in ETO. 1st Lt to Capt., 1944-1946. Medical Residency, UAB,1946-1948. Post-doc study Harvard School Public Health, and Research Fellow Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston-1948-1950. Private practice Internal Medicine, 1950-1988; Active Medical Faculty at Montclair Baptist Hospital, Birmingham, 1989-1999. Laureate Physician, American College of Physicians for Alabama, 1990.
Joanne Sandstrom
2nd Vice President, Scholarship PBK NCA 2006-present, A.A. Glendale Junior College (as it was then) in 1957; PBK BA in English and teaching credential, UC Berkeley 1959 and 1960, respectively; M.A. in English, Cal State Long Beach (as it was then) 1968; Taught English at Costa Mesa High School, Saddleback College and Long Beach City College 1969-1975; Sailed around the world 1975-1980; In charge of the publications program at the Institute of East Asian Studies, UC Berkeley, September 1980-present (editor, typesetter, proofreader, marketer, publicist, etc.); Special interests include collecting artists of early 20th Century children's literature and, with her husband, pages printed in the 15th and 16th centuries.
Letitia Sanders
3rd Vice President, Membership PBK NCA, 2000-present; PBK, AB (magna cum laude) English, Sweet Briar College, 1962; MAT English, Emory U., 1964; English teacher, Atlanta Public Schools, 1964-67; IBM system engineer & instructor, 1967-91; data processing instructor, College of Marin, 1982-83; Systems Advisory committee, College of Marin, 1983-present; Board member, California Nevada Arabian Sport Horse Assn., 2002-03.
Georgia Maslowski
Corresponding Secretary 2006-present; Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist; M.S., Counseling Psychology, California State University, Hayward; B.A., Sociology, University of California, Berkeley; thirteen years in private practice as psychotherapist; past instructor, California State University, Hayward, Department of Counseling Psychology; past coordinator, Intern Counseling Program, California State University, Hayward; ten years experience as probation officer and counselor for Alameda and Contra Costa counties; past Child Abuse Prevention Coordinator, Contra Costa County.
Mary O. Granger
Recording Secretary 2005-present, PBK NCA; PBK, BA in Government, 1958, University of Rochester; Mary married Edward Granger in 1957; MA in Education, University of Rochester, 1959; Mary taught English and social studies in the Rochester City School District from 1959 through 1961. Masters of Library Science, SUNY, Genesco, 1972, after taking time to get two daughters started in the world. Mary served as Library Media Specialist in the Gates Chili Central School District from 1971 through December 1991, when she retired and moved to Sausalito. She has been a member of AAUW since 1992, was a member and officer of an investment club from 1992 through 1999, and was a San Francisco City Guide from 1992 through 1999. She has been a member of the Sierra Club since 1988. Mary continues to hike weekly with a Marin County group.
Dr. Narcinda (Cindy) R. Lerner
Teaching Excellence Comm. 2000-2006, Nominating Comm. 1997-99, PBK NCA; Now retired, Cindy worked as a Chemist at NASA Ames Research Center for over 30 years. She earned her BS degree at Hofstra University and her PhD at the University of Chicago.
Mary Turner Gilliland
Treasurer 2001-present, PBK NCA; PBK BA (High Honors) French & Textiles & Clothing, UCSB, 1969; Community Volunteer, 1971-present: United Church of Christ, No. Calif. Conference Comm. on Ministry (Co-chair); San José Museum of Quilts and Textiles (Pres. of the Board); International Federation for Home Economics.
Dr. Janiece S. Nolan
Chapter Liaison 2005-present, PBK NCA; Rotary; Corporate Advisory Board for Graduate Program in Health Management, UC Berkeley; Industry Advisory Board for Center for Health Management Research; Woodrow Wilson Fellow. BA (PBK) & MA: University of Texas, Austin; MPH: Dept of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley; Ph.D. (Biology): Tulane University, New Orleans; Postdoctoral: Physiology-Anatomy, UC Berkeley. Captain (O-6) (ret), Medical Service Corps (MSC) Officer – U.S.N.R. Currently: President/CEO: John Muir Physician Network (California medical foundation with over 800 physicians) part of John Muir Health, located in the East Bay..
PBKNCA Webmaster 1997-present, President 1995-1998, Program Chair 1994-1998, Scholarship Committee 1991-1994. Western District Secretary/Newsletter-Editor/Webmaster various dates. Ph.D. Organic Chemistry Princeton 1964, BS Chemistry (magna cum laude) Bates College 1960. Web Design 1997-present, Computer System Administrator 1998-2002, Real Estate Owner/Manager 1976-2000, Research Scientist Eastman Kodak 1964-1981.
JeDon A. (Jae) Emenhiser
BS University of the Redlands, 1955; Ph. D. University of Minnesota, 1962; Dean of the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences at Humboldt State University, 1977-1987; Part-time teacher of Constitutional Law and other Political Science Courses, 1987-present; Visiting Professor at various colleges and universities in the US and abroad at various times during a distinguished teaching career.
Jean James, Board Liaison
Madeleine Babin, former corresponding sec and long-time supporter (continuing for a second year).
Jacqueline Dever Celenza, former Association President.
Mary Hanel, former Association President.
Gordon Repp, former Newsletter Chair and Board Member (continuing for a second year).
Brenda Shank, M.D./Ph.D. in biophysics, and medical specialty in Radiation Oncology, specializing, in particular, in breast cancer, and in total body irradiation for stem cell transplantation (continuing for a second year).