On Wednesday, January 20, 2021, Amanda Gorman, Phi Beta Kappa, Harvard ’20 stepped up to the podium to deliver the reading during the presidential inauguration of Joe Biden. |
Scholarship Awards presented at the Bancroft Hotel on April 28, 2024
In fulfillment of its mission to encourage scholarship and research, the Phi Beta Kappa Northern California Association is honoring the following outstanding Phi Beta Kappa graduate students with $10,000 scholarship awards to assist them in completing their educational objectives.
Top row: Alex Ullman (English, UC Berkeley), M. Taylor Black (History, UC Davis), Alexia Hernandez (Linguistics, Stanford, Reed Scholarship), Sophie Cushman (Classical Archaeology, UC Berkeley)
Bottom row: Louisa Brandt (History, UC Davis), Seth Zupanc (Medicine, UC San Francisco), Sarah Manney (Law, Stanford Law, Hendess Scholarship), Yisheng Tang (Japanese Language, UC Berkeley)
Not pictured: Brianne Felsher (Jurisprudence and Social Policy, UC Berkeley), S. Freeman (Geography, UC Berkeley), Marilyn Steyert (Biomedical Science, UC San Francisco, Hardardt Scholarship), Yutong Zhan (History, UC Davis, Norall Scholarship)
The Scholarship Committee: Jeff Fenton, Lynne Fovinci, Rona Giffard, Judith Hardardt, Jean James, Joanne Sandstrom (Chair).
Teaching Excellence Awards presented at the Bancroft Hotel on April 28, 2024
The Teaching Excellence Award which is given to teachers nominated by their students, consists of a Certificate and a $1000 honorarium.
Top row: Erik Ellis (Writing and Rhetoric Studies, Stanford), Peter Minowitz (Political Science, Santa Clara), Giovanni Peri (Economics, UC Davis)
Bottom row: Nasser Zakariya (Rhetoric, UC Berkeley), Olivia Bailey (Philosophy, UC Berkeley, Hasenkamp Award), Sophia Azeb (Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, UC Santa Cruz)
Not pictured: Hadar Dancig-Rosenberg (Legal Studies, UC Berkeley), Wendy Salkin (Philosophy, Stanford)
Teaching Excellence Committee: Andrea Braga, Melisa Lasell, Leilani Miller, Melissa Stevens (Chair).
The Phi Beta Kappa Northern California Association is one of the
largest and most active PBK alumni associations in the country