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select your desired membership level, Click NEXT, enter your email, update your personal data, and follow the steps.

PBKNCA is a 501(c)3 charity. Dues and donations are fully tax deductible.

Note: Membership is open ONLY to people elected by their school to the Phi Beta Kappa Society.

  • New members will receive a password by email for next time (but we have a provision if you forget it)
  • Renewing members: If you are asked to fill out an application form, then  you are using an email address not in your membership record. Forgotten which email to use or want to change it? Email
  • To prevent double-payment, if you have already paid dues for the current year, you will not be able to make another payment until October, which will credited toward next year.
  • If you prefer to send a check,  please use this printable PBKNCA Membership Form and send the completed membership form with your check made out to PBKNCA  to the address on the form.
  • To make a QCD (Qualified Charitable Distribution), please see this page. 
  • If you wish to make an extra donation ( great program, you just inherited a million and want to share), go to Donations. Thanks!
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Select membership level

* Mandatory fields
* Membership level
Your membership will renew on January 1 regardless of when you join.  We will email you reminders to renew, and those emails will contain a link to make your renewal process simple. 

Designate additional contributions if desired to any or all of our funds  - Scholarship. Teaching Excellence, Endowment and/or General.  

For information about QCD’s, RMD’s, Donor Advised Funds - go here

Mail-in Membership

Although we prefer membership payments to be made on-line, if you prefer to mail a payment to us, then please use this printable PBKNCA Membership Form.  Please send the completed form with your check payable to PBKNCA to us at:


c/o Ms. Patricia Kenber VP membership

1073 River Rock Lane

Danville CA 94526-4001

Do not send it to PBK in Washington. That is the National Society and they do not send or credit the money to us, even if the check is made out to PBKNCA.

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© Phi Beta Kappa Northern California Association

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