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To make a scholarship fund donation online by credit card, use the form below. 

You may also be qualified to make a tax-deductible donation as a QCD (Qualified Charitable Distribution).  According to the IRS website: A qualified charitable distribution (QCD) is generally a nontaxable distribution made directly by the trustee of your IRA (other than a SEP or SIMPLE IRA) to an organization eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions. You must be at least age 70½ when the distribution [from your financial institution] was made. See this page for more information. Checks must be mailed to us by December 1st to ensure that they are deductible in the current year.

If you prefer to mail a check to us, please send your check, made payable to PBKNCA and marked "Donation" to:

Ms. Patricia Kenber

VP Membership, ΦBKNCA

1073 River Rock Lane

Danville CA 94526-4001

Thank you very much for your Donation. Please note that a donation does not give you membership in the Association. If you are a Phi Bete, please join by clicking Join/Renew on the menu, or click here

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*Amount ($USD)

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