On Wednesday, January 20, 2021, Amanda Gorman, Phi Beta Kappa, Harvard ’20 stepped up to the podium to deliver the reading during the presidential inauguration of Joe Biden. |
The Phi Beta Kappa Northern California Association is one of the
largest and most active PBK alumni associations in the country
Twelve Scholars and Four Teachers Honored April, 2022
In fulfillment of its mission to encourage scholarship and research, the Phi Beta Kappa Northern California Association is honoring the following outstanding Phi Beta Kappa graduate students with $10,000 scholarship awards to assist them in completing their educational objectives:
The Scholarship Awards for 2022 were presented to:
Feyaad Allie, Stanford University, Political Science
Daniel Friedman, UC Berkeley, History
Linda Kinstler, UC Berkeley, Rhetoric (Hardardt Award)
Alan Kong, UC San Francisco Medical Doctorate (studying glaucoma), (Hendess Award)
Rebecca Nelson, UC Davis, Ecology
Ryan Page, UC Santa Cruz, Film & Digital Media
Elizabeth Postema, UC Davis, Animal Behavior
Maria-Fatima Santos, UC Berkeley, Sociology (Gilliland Award)
Hope Schwartz, UC San Francisco. Medicine M.D., (Reed Award)
Vannessa Velez, Stanford University, History, (Norall)
Sarah Wilker, Stanford University, Classics
Madeline Wyse, UC Berkeley, Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures
The Scholarship Committee: Jeff Fenton, Lynne Fovinci, Judith Hardardt, Jean James, Joanne Sandstrom (Chair)
The Teaching Excellence Award, given to teachers nominated by their students, consists of a Certificate and a $1000 honorarium
The Teaching Excellence Awards for 2022 were presented to:
Michael Dylan Foster, Ph.D., Dept. of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Professor and Chair, UC Davis
Laura D. Gutiérrez, Ph.D., Dept. of History, Assistant Professor, University of the Pacific
Claire Waters, Ph.D., (Hasenkamp Award) Dept. of English, Affiliated Faculty - Program in Classics, Dept. of French and Italian, Professor and Chair, UC Davis
Clancy Wilmott, Ph.D., Dept. of Geography and Berkeley Center for New Media, Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley.
Teaching Excellence Committee: Andrea Braga, Melisa Lasell, Melissa Stevens (Chair)