From the President
Dear Fellow Phi Betes,
Several PBKNCA board and committee members have recently retired or will soon retire, prompting this urgent call for volunteers. This is a rare opportunity to serve on a committee or board of pleasant, dedicated people, whose mission is to support education in the liberal arts and sciences. We need volunteers for the following positions:
• Treasurer - Need immediately
• Third Vice President, Membership - July 1
• Corresponding Secretary - July 1
• Recording Secretary - July 1
• Public Relations Committee Chair - whenever you can
• Nomination Committee Chair- The sooner the better
• Chapter Liaison- whenever you can
Position Descriptions:
Treasurer: Immediate need. Finance/accounting background preferred but not required. Approximately 4 hours per week. Past Treasurer available to assist.
Third Vice President, Membership: Maintain membership database, track membership data and dues/donations. Member of Executive Committee. Past Third Vice President available to assist.
Recording Secretary: Transcribe and distribute Board Meeting minutes. Member of Executive Committee. The current Recording Secretary combines this role with the Corresponding Secretary role and is available to assist.
Corresponding Secretary: Acknowledge member donations, mostly automated with some hard copy letters required monthly. Currently combined with the Recording Secretary role, who is available to assist.
Public Relations Committee Chair: New committee to market and promote PBKNCA through print and social media. Creative role ideal for someone with relevant experience.
Nomination Committee Chair: Lead committee to identify members willing to serve as vacancies arise.
Chapter Liaison: Act as liaison between Northern California PBK campus chapters and PBKNCA. Track campus initiation dates and schedule PBKNCA representatives to attend.
Thank you for considering serving PBKNCA in one of these important roles. For more information, please visit
To volunteer or suggest candidates,
AFTER January 1, contact Susan Jenkins, Corresponding Secretary, at
Melissa Xanthe Stevens, President
Upcoming Events
Don’t miss the 38th Asilomar Conference Feb. 14–17, 2025 - here
Currently, the Phi Beta Kappa Northern California Association suggests masking for indoor activities.
Note: The price stated for events is for current PBKNCA members; elapsed or non-members (except guests of members) will pay a surcharge. Full event information, and means of credit card payment, are available on our website
If you won’t be able to make an event, contact O’Neil Dillon at ASAP, or if it is the day of the event call him at 510-207-8761, as there may be others on the waiting list who will then be able to take your place.
No-shows do NOT receive a refÂÂÂund! Cancellations probably do.
Sign up for events at To register for an event if you don’t have Internet,
please contact O’Neil Dillon, cell 510-207-8761.
PBKNCA Young Connections: Arastradero Creek Loop Hike, December 08, 2024
The Pearson-Arastradero Preserve: 1530 Arastradero Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94304. The PBKNCA Connections Section is hosting a free hike on Sunday, December 8 from 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM.
Connect with your fellow PBKs while participating in a scenic hike! We’ll meet in the parking lot, and participants are welcome to join us for lunch at Rossotti's Alpine Inn. Lunch will be at participants’ expense.
The Ruth Bancroft Garden, January 18, 2025, 11:00 AM, Rain or Shine
Ruth Bancroft Garden, 1552 Bancroft Rd. Walnut Creek, CA, created by Ruth Bancroft beginning in 1972, the garden houses a unique and diverse collection of cacti, succulents and drought-tolerant plants from around the world. It is considered one of the finest dry gardens in the world.
We will have 2 docent-led groups of 10 to see this world-class collection of climate-resilient plants and spectacular garden design.: $25 PBKNCA members and guests, $30 all others.
Two For The Price Of One At The Crocker Art Museum March 01, 2025
COLLIDOSCOPE - is a 30-year retro-perspective of the De La Torre Brothers' art. In an over-top-top aesthetic frequently described as baroque, the pieces are at once humorous and critically earnest, manifesting influences ranging from religious iconography and German expressionism to the sculpture of the ancient Americas and Mexican folk art.
FRAMES OF MIND - The Ramer Photography Collection of international photography by Barry and Lois Ramer over the last 50 years is diverse in subject matter and is united by their interest in human psychology and cultural inequities. This will be a docent-led tour of the two current exhibits. $20 PBKNCA members & guests, $25 all others.