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Scholarship Recipients 2000

Julie Anderson Elizabeth Reed Award UC Berkeley
Comparative Literature

Julie graduated from Brown, magna cum laude, in 1989 with a major in classics. She is currently enrolled in doctoral studies at UC Berkeley in the field of comparative literature. Julie is exploring the genre of lyric poetry and how different forms of writing influence the development of the lyric voice. Interestingly, the work has crossover implications in the study of dyslexia. This developed from her work in teaching children in Taiwan and China. Julie notes that "Literacy does not necessarily mean sound-letter association, as written Chinese demonstrates."

Yee-Ming Chan (Glatze Award) UCSF Biochemistry

Yee-Ming graduated summa cum laude from Yale in 1993 with a degree in biology. He is currently enrolled in the MD-PhD program at UCSF. His thesis work focuses on the genetic structure of fruit flies and the process by which cells are transformed into neurons. He has also been active with the UCSF AIDS Forum. Yee-Ming states, "I have become convinced that knowledge exists to be shared with others, and I have become devoted to various activities that have in common the communication of biological and medical knowledge."

Albert and Grace Glatze Scholarship

We are pleased to acknowledge a most generous gift by Albert and Grace Glatze of Oakland. Mr. and Mrs. Glatze have donated funds to underwrite a full graduate student scholarship in the year 2000.


Jessica Green UC Berkeley Nuclear Engineering

Jessica graduated magna cum laude from UCLA in 1992 with a degree in civil and environmental engineering. She is currently enrolled at UC Berkeley and is pursuing a PhD in nuclear engineering. Her work centers on using the techniques of risk analysis from that field and applying them to environmental risks. Jessica notes, "My goal is to bridge the gap between the principles of theoretical ecology and the practical methodology of risk analysis." While Jessica did not attend the dinner, her excuse was reasonable. She became a mother for the first time a week before, so congratulations on two counts are in order.

Jeffrey Karlsen UC Berkeley Slavic Languages

Jeffrey graduated magna cum laude from UC Berkeley in 1992 with a major in Slavic Languages. He is currently a candidate for a PhD at the same institution in that field. Jeffrey is studying the view of America in early Soviet culture. He is using film as one way of gaining this perspective. In Jeffrey's words, "The Soviet fascination with America illuminates the debates about post-Revolutionary reconceptualizations of literature and culture."

Natasha Schull UC Berkeley Anthropology

Natasha graduated summa cum laude from UC Berkeley in 1993 with a major in anthropology. She is currently completing doctoral studies in that field at Berkeley. Her work explores the area of pathological gambling and follows other work she has done on the gambling industry. She describes the gambling experience from the viewpoint of the addict, an experience which is "characterized by social isolation and even self-abandonment in which sense of body, self, place and time dissolves."

Dylan Schwilk Stanford Biological Sciences

Dylan graduated summa cum laude from Occidental College in 1996 with majors in biology and English. He is currently pursuing doctoral studies in biology at Stanford. Dylan is studying wildfires and the adaptation of plant materials to those conditions. "Considering the environment a product of organisms' phenotypes as much as their cause is a novel approach to evolution, but one that is unavoidable when investigating plants and fire."

Rachel Sturman UC Davis History

Rachel graduated from the University of Chicago in 1991 with a degree in history. She is currently a PhD candidate at UC Davis in that field. Her studies center on Colonial India and the ways in which concepts of property and "rights" were affected by that experience. As she says, "My dissertation puts such terms into question by exploring how the transformations in property relations wrought by colonialism impacted indigenous people at the most intimate levels."

Anna Wertz UC Berkeley History

Anna graduated from Washington University (St. Louis) in 1992 summa cum laude in history. Following that, she obtained a master's degree from Brown and is currently a PhD candidate in history at UC Berkeley. Anna's dissertation is an intellectual biography of Hans Blumenberg. She observes that "Blumenberg's works make significant contributions to the field of philosophy, but beyond this lies his inquisitiveness about the nature of inquisitiveness itself."

Veronica Yank UCSF Medicine

Veronica graduated with honors from Harvard in 1994 with majors in history and literature, while also lettering in varsity soccer. She is currently a medical student as UCSF. Her interests lie in both public health research and clinical medicine. She intends to obtain a master's in public health after medical school. Much of her research in that area "may be grouped under the rubric of efforts to protect and improve the integrity of biomedical publications, which are the basis of evidence-based patient care."

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